Tag: Eating Disorder

Eating Disorder

Teenage Eating Disorder Treatment FAQ

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that affect people of all ages, genders, and races. However, they typically develop in early adolescence. Families searching for the best eating disorder treatment centers should take great care to understand the different types of eating disorders and the treatment options available. At Clementine, we specialize in teenage eating disorders treatment, offering patients access to care in a comfortable, safe and home-like setting. Keep reading to learn more about common eating disorders and eating disorder recovery options. What is an eating disorder? Eating disorders are very serious mental health conditions that include both medical and psychiatric aspects. The most well-known eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, people can develop other types of eating disorders, including binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. People who have an eating disorder are typically obsessed with food, their body shape, weight and body image. If left untreated, eating disorders can quickly become very serious and even life-threatening. Who can develop an eating disorder? People of all genders and nearly any age can develop an eating disorder. Research has shown children as young as five or six years of age can develop an eating disorder. While it is true females are more commonly diagnosed than males and individuals typically show signs of an eating disorder in adolescence, many people develop eating disorders later in adulthood. Current studies suggest up to seven percent of women in the United States have had bulimia nervosa at some point in their lives. Anorexia nervosa is the third most common chronic illness among teen girls and binge eating disorder affects anywhere from 0.7 percent to 4 percent of the general population. It is important to remember eating disorder treatment is available. Can people be cured with eating disorder treatment? Many people with eating disorders can achieve recovery. Early intervention and finding the right eating disorder treatment centers to fit an individual's needs are extremely important when seeking professional help. It is also important to keep in mind patients who have been through an eating disorder recovery program may continue to seek counseling to support and protect their recovery for months or years after leaving treatment. The chance of relapse greatly diminishes when teens have access to aftercare and a strong support system at home. If a loved one is intentionally vomiting after meals but only some of the time, should parents be worried? Yes. Anytime someone feels the need to purge after a meal, whether that means fasting, self-induced vomiting or laxative use,  they are likely dealing with underlying psychological issues surrounding food, their body shape, and weight. While this does not necessarily mean they have a diagnosable eating disorder, it is important for loved ones to express concern. What is the difference between overeating and binge eating? Many people will overeat every now and then. However, those with binge eating disorder feel out of control during the binge episode. They typically eat large amounts of food in a very short amount of time, even, at times when they are not physically hungry. The binge eating episodes can also be accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and disgust. Contact Clementine Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Today: At Clementine eating disorder treatment centers, we focus on providing adolescents with the tools they need to enjoy a successful eating disorder recovery. We understand teenage eating disorders treatment should be approached from both a medical, psychiatric, therapeutic and nutritional perspectives to ensure young people can properly navigate the challenges of life after completing treatment. Read Also: 4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training Is Important Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

Role of Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

The Role Of Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are severe medical disorders with high mortality rates. In fact, anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. People with eating disorders are at risk for serious health consequences such as heart, kidney and brain damage. Individuals with eating disorders, including anorexia, also see a high incidence of suicide. Finding the right eating disorders counseling and treatment is essential to prevent these serious health consequences. Eating treatment centers should always include nutritional counseling as a treatment component for eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment. Eating disorders are complex diseases, and similar to other chronic illnesses, require a multi-faceted treatment approach. There may be a variety of professionals on the eating disorder recovery treatment team, including a psychotherapist, medical doctor, psychiatrist, and dietitian. Different Ways You Can Use Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment     There are multiple ways you can use nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment. Work out the best diet disorder plan that can work well in your favor in all possible manners. Do not make your choices in the wrong way while you develop your business. 1.Nutritional Strategy and a Better Relationship with Food The role of nutritional therapy is important when it comes to eating disorder recovery. The dietitian works with the client to help them adopt a more flexible relationship with food and movement. Most clients with eating disorders have excellent nutritional knowledge. Many patients are more knowledgeable than the general public about how many grams of carbohydrates or calories a portion of food may have. They have the education needed to make good eating choices. However, a person who has an eating disorder generally has imposed strict and rigid guidelines on themselves about what they can or cannot eat. They learn to disregard their bodies’ internal hunger cues and avoid the feelings of hunger or satiety. Preoccupation with food stands in the way of mindful eating. 2. Nutritional Therapy Nourishes The Body  Nutritional therapy helps the person learn how to nourish their bodies, with a focus on increasing awareness of and responding to internal hunger cues using mindful eating practices. Nutritional therapy is about taking a flexible approach to food intake and developing a sustainable relationship with food. Nutritional therapy can also help clients learn about various medical complications that may be associated with eating disorders, such as electrolyte imbalances. It can also help them recognize the symptoms of these serious health issues and gain greater awareness of how to get help for these issues. 3. Applying These Lessons in Real Life Many people with eating disorders find it overwhelming to eat in social situations. Eating disorder therapy helps clients address the social anxiety that may accompany eating disorders, by learning how to manage emotions in difficult or triggering situations. Nutritional therapy teaches clients to acknowledge the emotional aspects of eating while respecting their physical hunger cues. They learn to pay attention to what is happening at the moment without emotionally reacting to it.  Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things easier for you to digest. 4. Develop Mindful Eating Patterns  When someone is in recovery from an eating disorder, developing mindful eating patterns takes time and practice. Eating disorder therapy uses individualized meal plans to help the person achieve the goals set by the client and his or her treatment team. Specialized treatment provides support to clients during mealtimes as they overcome personal challenges and work toward the goal of becoming fully recovered. Clients are gradually exposed to more challenging exposures as they progress through treatment. 5. Make Eating Dis-order Counselling  With the help of eating disorder counseling and nutritional therapy, clients are taught the coping skills necessary to sustain their health by eating nourishing foods. They will learn to participate in social situations that involve food and overcome the anxiety and fear that can occur with mealtimes. Eating treatment centers help clients develop the skills needed to prepare simple balanced meals and mindfully respond to physical hunger cues. Final Take Away    Hence, these are some of the effective means to develop your eating habits. Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things more complicated for you. Do not make your choices in the wrong order while you want to develop your eating habits in the correct order. Do not make your choices in the wrong manner while you want to improve your daily diet system in the correct order. Read Also: 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy

Eating Disorder Treatment

How To Encourage Your Teen Daughter To Seek Eating Disorder Treatment?

Over half of teen girls use behaviors to control their weight; according to  NEDA, these behaviors can be risk factors for the development of an eating disorder. Eating disorders among young girls are quite common. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter who may have an eating disorder and feel she needs help, it can be a lonely experience. Teenagers who fear gaining weight can be adamant about not seeking the treatment they need. There are a few ways you, as a parent, can encourage your daughter to seek the best eating disorder treatment without forcing her into an uncomfortable situation. Different Ways To Conduct Eating Disorder Treatment There are multiple ways you can opt for eating the disorder treatment in your favor Work out the plans that can work well for you. Do not make your choices in grey that can have the potential to grow your appetite in the right direction. Identify the ways that can work well in your favor. 1. Approach Her Privately First Those who struggle with an eating disorder often feel shame and guilt about the issue. When beginning the conversation, one or both parents can speak to their daughter privately about the issue and why eating disorder treatment could be a positive step to recovery. 2. Let Her Know She's Not Alone Even though eating disorders are common among young ladies, many adolescents can feel alone in their eating disorders. DoSomething.org states 95 percent of those with an eating disorder are between the ages of 12 and 25. By showing your teen daughter statistical information about how many teens have dealt with eating disorders, sought eating disorder treatment, and recovered, she may feel encouraged to move forward in her recovery. 3. Try To Avoid Simplifying The Issue: If not fully understood, it can be easy to simplify the issue and tell a teen daughter to simply stop doing what they are doing or to feel as if treatment should be a simple process. Approaching a struggling teenager in this manner downplays the issue, which in turn can make a child feel even more shameful and guilty about the behavior they cannot control. The best eating disorder treatment programs approach adolescents using a multi-faceted therapeutic approach. It is important to convey to your child that recovery can be something only a professional eating disorder therapist can help them with. By letting them know how seriously you take the problem, they may begin to understand, or even mirror your concerns. 4. Accept A Potential Negative Reaction: The first few times you approach your teen daughter about her eating disorder, she may deny the issue or react in an angry or negative fashion. In order to understand these reactions, it is imperative to understand what your child is feeling about treatment. Many of the negative reactions and anger stem from fear of what will happen during eating disorder treatment. As difficult as it can be, it is critical to be accepting of these negative reactions. Acceptance and understanding do not mean you give up on encouraging treatment; it means you validate their concerns while maintaining your own. Meet any negativity with the reiteration of your concerns about the eating disorder, her health, and the importance of getting help. Continue to keep the dialogue. With proper therapy and treatment, 60 percent of people with an eating disorder achieve recovery. If you are struggling to talk to your teenage daughter about her eating disorder, reach out to us at Monte Nido. We are a multi-faceted treatment provider with multiple facilities dedicated to helping patients overcome eating disorders. Final Take Away Hence, these are some of the core factors that can work well in your favor and you have to make sure you do not fall back in your prices. Try to achieve your objectives in the best possible manner that can work well in your favor and in the best possible ways. Make your choices in the right direction before making the right decisions from all angles. Work out the plans that can help you to lead a steady life. Read Also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health The Top 4 Health Benefits That You Can Get From Wall Soundproofing!